Fireplace Safety Tips

  • Don't use gasoline to start a fire. Use paper, kindling and dry wood.

  • Use a screen to keep sparks from popping out of the fire.

  • Make sure that floor coverings and furniture are far enough away from the fireplace.

  • Make sure your flue is clean and open, and that your damper works. Open the damper before starting a fire.

  • Don't use your fireplace as an incinerator for trash.

  • Make sure the fire is out before you leave it alone or go to bed.

  • Dispose of ashes in a metal bucket or other metal container. Make sure they are cool.

  • Install smoke detectors and make sure they work.

  • Keep a 5-pound fire extinguisher on hand. It should be rated for ABC fires, and you should know how to use it.

  • Don't use water to extinguish a fire. It can crack the bricks in your hearth. Let the fire burn itself out.

  • When burning artificial logs, burn only one at a time. They produce too much concentrated heat for some types of fireplaces.

  • Have a chimney sweep inspect and clean your chimney at least once a year.